Parts geometry control is as necessary as their manufacturing. Very often, especially in old-fashioned companies, this task is done by people. They check parts selectively, take measurements manually and compare them with a reference sample. This process takes a lot of time and no perfect result is guaranteed. If they must report on every part checked, they waste more time.
Robotics Control and Measuring
Parts geometry control is as necessary as their manufacturing
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Automation of measuring allows:
- Check every single part, not selectively, directly on conveyor if needed;
- Save time for size control and reporting, all reports are made automatically;
- Eliminate any errors in measuring;
- Reduce quality control staff;
- Increase productivity.
How does robot take measurements:
- An algorithm of check is planned in advance.
- Then robot scans a part.
- It compares the part with a reference sample and an original part.
- It sorts the part as not OK or take it to the further production operations.
- Makes a report.
Scan settings can be changed at any time. Geometry control is carried out for parts up to 3 meters long. For every task individual parameters can be chosen.